
2015年2月12日 星期四





1. 選擇自己喜愛的工作,才會長久。
2. 不恥下問。(當過大官的李時珍,不懂的事會熱切向各行各業的人指教:農夫、柴夫、養鴨人家都是他的學習對象)
3. 男女平等。(雖然古代男尊女卑,可是人家當時就收女徒弟了呢~) 


2015年1月8日 星期四

2015.1.8 丈量世界

This afternoon I watch a German film called "Die Vermessung der Welt" (Measuring the World), talking about the life story of Alexander von Humboldt and Carl Friedrich Gauss. In the film, Humboldt is a funny, ambious and full of curiosity, it the film's description is ture, then I must wanted to meet with him had I born in that age. But, it is Gauss that stay in my mind after the film. Gauss is a genius, with such greatness in him he should had went to somewhere and do big things, but he stayed in his hometown, teached at school, cynical to the world, unastisified with all those mudane people around him. I think it's the long term distress that throw him into the ditch of his little circle. From this film I seem to understand why Ben angry with me. Teacher want to teach good student, their enthusiasm lies on cultivating good student, and I depress him. With this in mind, I'll begin getting over my sadness and prepare for a new semester. Wish me luck!